User talk:Flame knight1324

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i would like to join your clan. CHAOS RULES!!! - [[1]]


Man youre rich! Muzzypo told me about the screenshote so ive put a couple on the KOC page.


Its salmonandafro's fault, we will fight..

to the death!

To dam right were gonna fight! also i had an idea! we should scrap the sub-clans and make a group for all the classes! ~~ Sal

War of the eye

ebil of the doom knights here, i would like to discuss the war of the eye and salmonandafro's duplicity. Contact me at my talk page.

OK, well salmon is in a evil clan and a chaos clan which puts him in a tight position. If the doom knights join, we will most likely bring in the shadowscythe council as well. So if this happens salmonandafro is on both sides. This means, if he is discovered, which he has been he should be rejected out of both clans.

Since the war will happen, the keepers of chaos will lose. Simply because of their lack of allies and more importantly, they wont have you. If u don't participate, many other keepers wont participate. So your clan/salmon is doomed.

This war of the eye has cooled down a lot. I'm relieved. However, I agree. Many of their allies that they DO have may not help them, especially OSC, for that is more of a social clan than a militaristic clan.

The wars over. and flame uh did you hack my account cuz i cant log on

Neither can I, someone also hacked my e-mail so he might have gotten the password from my e-mail