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Info: Former leader of The Hidden Assassins of the Shadowscythe

Lvl: 21

Class(es): Mage rank 10, Guardian rank 5

Favorite Armor: Shadow Ghoul (currently)

Favorite Weapon: Long Lycan Daggers

Helm: Shadowslayer Hat

Moral Aliagnment: Borderline Evil

Chaoslords executed: Four

Clan(s):The Hidden Assassins of the Shadowscythe (former)

Hair: Currently Black

Eye: Black

Latest Acheivments: Gaurdian upgrade on AQ

Allies: Drumroll91(cousin),The Shadow Spirit(good friend),Tomnacho(another good friend)

Enemies: Super Funkey[1]

Hidden Assassins Of The Shadowscythe

Hidden Assassins Of The Shadowscythe is commonly referred to as HAOTS

This clan is no longer.

My History

Written by Sethar119


I started out as lvl 18, my search of the sludge sword brought me to Grumble, in the sewers of Swordhaven. After battling him several times I had forgotten to rest a bit. I was going to die, and then suddenly, unexpected help came from a warrior by the name of Super Funky.

I befriended him and we had numerous adventures for rare items. For two weeks I asked him to help me on a few things, but one day he made an offer. He asked me if I had wanted to join a clan one of his comrades had inherited, I immediately accepted. I was brought before the clan leader Andros11; he took a liking to me and made me his advisor. I served him and did his bidding as I was instructed: and was soon also made head assassin.

In an epic battle of attempting to conquer Dwarfhold, Andros and I discovered a traitor among the ranks, his own second in command, the very person who invited me to join, Super Funky.


Apparently he was planning to overthrow Andros. Knowing we had no hard evidence against him we played like we did not know. Andros donned a new identity (account) Xerxxes and we continued to conquer.

Then we planned our finest moment, to defeat Suplechure himself. In a bold gesture we attacked his base at Shadow’s Point. Arrows whizzing overhead, I cut down hoards of enemies and saw Suplechure darting towards Xerxxes. The look on Xexxes’s face was a mix of fear and dread. Then I was hit from behind. It all went black.

When I awoke I was surrounded by bodies and a few survivors. I got up feeling groggy, and noticed Xerxxes and Super Funky were gone. That spine-tickling feeling rose up in my body, and questions in my head. “Had Suplechure killed Xerxxes?” “Had Super Funky overthrew Xerxxes?”.I knew the answer to none of these. The few survivors had seen nothing either. Injured, left behind, and starving, I left the battlefield.

After meeting up with my partner Drumroll91, I saw someone who jump-started my memory; Tomnacho.

When I saw him I remembered Super Funky telling me about how his friend had “inherited” a clan. Well he also told me about the real clan leader, Tomnacho. I quickly introduced myself and told him my story. He understood and invited me to join his new clan The Imperial Forces of the Shadowsythe: since Suplechure was killed by Drakath, I no longer held a grudge against Evil, I joined.

I was accepted as advisor once more. I asked if Xerxxes was here and he said he disappeared. I carried on through numerous battles; Tomnacho by my side. I carried out assassination jobs as instructed to. I decided to start my own clan due to a problem concerning “time zones” and still stay in the I.F.O.T.S (Imperial Forces of the Shadowsythe) the clan is run my partner Drumroll91, and myself as my regular clan role, advisor.

A war broke out in Yokai Isle, between different nobles and clans. Artix Krieger and Daisuke, Yokai’s Captain of the Guard, were in the middle of the war and were forced to avoid the battle, looking for a way to get out. I had to avoid them, because I heard rumors of being on the Guardian wanted list. We had to get our own territory.

After deciding this, Drumroll91 and I gained territory in Akiba, on Yokai Isle and donned new looks with the red Gi masks, striking ominous feelings into civilians. We fought the other clans and struggled to maintain control over our slice of Yokai.

In one brutal attempt, we sabotaged the enemies’ water supplies and most died of the poison. The Servants of Alteon, a rival clan, stormed every one of our camps, slaying our members. They were looking for me, and I had to hide. I donned a new look; a simple sailor of Yokai.

I became a public enemy and was forced to go into hiding. I worked on the ship Bold Zephyr, and we sailed into ports making trade routes. One night I overheard the Captain talking with the First Mate about “accepting passengers”. Knowing this was a cargo ship and didn’t accept passengers, I knew this was a smuggling job.

The next night, two people were smuggled out of Taiku Harbor and onto our ship. I clung to the shadows trying to find out who they were, just then a lantern was brought out and I saw the faces of Artix Krieger and Daisuke! Breathing hard, I ran back to my room and went back to sleep.

The next morning I went to the galley for breakfast, trying to hide my face. While getting my breakfast Artix Krieger walked right up to me and said he knew who I was. I was alarmed, but he said not to worry. He said that I was observed and was nominated to become a guardian. I laughed and asked him if he ever saw my record. He said that it did not matter, because he knew I had a soft heart.

I agreed to become a Guardian, and he said he would get back to me. I asked about Drumroll91, he said he also was chosen.We received our Guardian armor and badges and decided to work to build up the H.A.O.T.S. On October 2 2010, marking one year since acheiving guardianship, I disbanded H.A.O.T.S. to clean the slate of my mistake in entering the war against GoD. Perhaps I will return one day to fight again.