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bacterius is a lost soul attached to the body of a demon lost in the strange caverns that hold the secret of nulgath ... shortly after an epidemic had threatened the world of lore Bacterius attached then all this plague and transformed into a new type of virus forming a potion called Berkelium this is the cave of a powerful behemoth called Protactite.... Bacterius fight with a Juggernaut behemoth and then the battle begins! bacterius winner the battle and he brings out the heart of this and then with these two powerful items lacked only one: the Overfiend wrath of Hades !! Bacterius enter in the underworld to face this but bacterius loser before this colossal battle .. bacterius after that you realize that you had been with the wrath of Hades Overfiend bacterius then rejoiced in itself creates an endless immense power, destroying everything in its path! since then he called Bacterius the Fiend of epidemic