Paul & Storm

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During AQWorld's Birthday Live, Musical Event Weekend (10/10/10)
Battleoff, Lightovia & Chaos Farm


Inter-dimensional Bards of the Multiverse

Important Text

Before Quests

Welcome to Battleoff, where everything in this land is exactly the opposite from yours! We have also practiced this speech so many times that we are able to speak in complete unison. Pretty cool, huh? ...oh yeah, you should probably go speak to Drakath over there.

In Lightovia

And so the hero's great journey begins! Let us be the first to welcome you to the land of the Lycans, Lightovia... since no one else around here will. You will have to reach Safiria, Queen of the Werewolves, in order to get that Crown of Blood thing Drakath told you about. Good luck!

After Quests

Great job, hero. You really pulled this world's buns out of the fire. What a GREAT birthday party!

AQW Birthday 10-10-10 - Paul and Storm.jpg


