Hungry for a Recipe

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Location info
Level Required: 1
Location: Guru Forest
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: Fixed
Monster List: River Fishman ,Fishman Soldier
NPCs: Potions Master
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: 6 Fishman's Tail
Total Experience: 100
Total Gold: 100
Total Reputation: None
Equipment Won: Elixir Recipe
So, you're looking for my recipe for the Ultimate Elixir? Well, what's in it for me? You know, I'm rather hungry at the moment... why don't you go and fetch me 6 succulent fish tails from the River Fishmen at the river? If you can bring me those delectable tails, I might be willing to part with my recipe... (Bring back 6 Fishman's Tails to complete the quest).

IM STARVIN!!!!!!!!!!!