Warp Shop

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Rare Shop
This shop was introduced during a special event (e.g., Holiday, War) and will not be available again until the event repeats, or possibly never again.

Warp Shop
Level Required: 1
Location: Battleon
NPCs: SkyStalker
  • The War Shovel doesn't cost 20k. It's reference to Warhammer 40000. (for newbies-2OK means 20000). Some players can't buy them either that they dont ac's, not mem, or both.
  • Warp Force is the fleet led by Admiral Amada in "WarpForce" game.
  • Warp Force fleet is reference to Dark Force fleet from Timoty Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. Dark Force was also called Katana Fleet. Katana Fleet was a starfleet launched by the Galactic Republic several years before the Clone Wars as part of its attempt to restore the Republic Navy to its long-gone glory. The fleet was named for its flagship, Katana. Other ships in the fleet included the Braxant Brave, Harrier, and Peregrine.