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X'Dir, Faithful servant of Desoloth.



Faithful servant of Desoloth, the elemental dragon.

Important Text

- Before defeating Moganth in the Earth Realm (Dragonplane)

It took me 737 years but I was finally able to open the DragonPlane portal. Thank you for coming.My master, Desoloth is in need of your help. The DragonMark must be shattered and the DragonGate must be opened before he is lost. If he sealed away then your world, ALL WORLDS will be doomed!

- After defeating Moganth in the Earth Realm (Dragonplane)

Well done, but there are three more Elemental Prime Dragons to face. To free my master, you will need a Dracoscintilla from each of them. The Realm of Water is next. Udaroth, The Water Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with her Dracoscintilla Aqua!

- After defeating Udaroth in the Water Realm

Excellent, hero! Half of the Elemental Prime Dragons have fallen. To free my master you will need to collect a Dracoscintilla from each of them. The Realm of Air is next. Cellot, Yhe Air Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with her Dracoscintilla Aura!

- After defeating Cellot in the Wind Realm

Desoloth, my master you will be free soon! Only one Prime left. To free my master you will need to collect a Dracoscintilla from each of them. The Realm of Fire is last. Zellare, The Fire Prime is waiting for you there. Return to me with her Dracoscintilla Ignis!

- After defeating Zellare in the Fire Realm

You now have all four Dracoscintilla! All that is left is to use them to free Desoloth! Thanks you so much! If not for you my master would have been locked away forever! Quickly, let's open the Dragongate!

- After finishing all quests

Thank you, mortal. I would never have had the strength to free Desoloth without you. I will be rewarded for my service to my master. Now he is free in your world and the Elements will be HIS to control and devour! ALL HAIL DESOLOTH, THE FINAL!


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X'dir's Quests

In Dragonplane:-

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In Water Realm:-

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In Storm Realm:-

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In Fire Realm:-

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