Skeletal Sabotage

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Location info
Level Required: Any
Location: Battleunder A
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: Fixed
Monster List:
NPCs: Yara
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In:
Total Experience: 100
Total Gold: 125
Total Reputation: None
Equipment Won: None

  • Requirements to do quest: Must complete Ring Bearer quest.
  • When completed:You are one of the bravest people that I have ever met, Hero! Fighting off that many Undead is no easy task, even for a Paladin like me!
Skeletal Sabotage.png
These tunnels are flooded with the Undead. And by the looks of things, they seem to be getting stronger as we speak! The only way we can weaken their defenses is by stealing their weapons and armor as soon as possible! If you're up for the challenge, go out and collect 6 Skeletal Claymores and 3 Bony Chestplates from the wandering Undead!