Shadowslayer Z

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Darkovia Forest Chaos Cave

Important Text

BEFORE COMPLETING QUESTS: Now that you know what you're facing. I'm impressed with your skills, and even more impressed that you haven't run away screaming. AFTER COMPLETING QUESTS: Welcome to the Shadowslayers, Hero. You have earned my respect... I will open the gates to Safiria's castle. Good luck earning HER trust.


ShadowSlayer Shop



  • People call her X because she is E's (from AQ the VampireSlayer trainer) ex-girlfriend wich makes it ironic since she seems to be based on E.
  • She gives you the cutscene seeing how Wolfwing became a werepyre.
  • She once was a Vampire Slayer (probably with E)

she is probably was E's girlfriend and was called buffy because E said he dumped buffy to kill vampires