Radiant Lamps

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Location info
Level Required:
Location: IronFist
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: fixed
Monster List: Glow Worm
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: 3 Vial of Glow Ichor
Total Experience: 85
Total Gold: 130
Total Reputation: 100 Dwarfhold reputation
Equipment Won: none
Glow Worm drops often 2 at the same time
Dwarves have excellent eyesight but even we cannot work in the pitch black mines of Dwarfhold. Here in the mountain tere are burrowing Glow Worms who feed on a mineral called uranium. For some reason, their steady diet of this mineral makes them glow in the dark. Slay a few of these beasts and gather 3 Vial of Glow Ichor from them, so that we may make lamps.