Magic Overload!

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Location info
Level Required: 1
Location: Citadel
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: Fixed
Monster List: Inquisitor Guard
NPCs: Murry
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: 5x Mana Amplifier
Total Experience: 100
Total Gold: 200
Total Reputation: None
Equipment Won: Wizard's Staff
Hmm... these vacuums made me wonder what the Inquisitors do with it all once they collect it! So I took one apart — it looks like they funnel magic into little orbs that hold it, and compress it, making it even more powerful. I wish I could do that! I hear that the archmage Warlic can actually do something like that — with just his mind! Anyway, go and get me 5 of those Mana Amplifiers. If I'm right, then the Grand Inquisitor is collecting magic for himself, and not just destroying it. If you succeed I will make you one of my staves.