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Location info
Level Required:
Location: Dwarfhold,
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: fixed
Monster List: Chaotic Draconians
NPCs: Geopetal
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In:
Total Experience: 165
Total Gold: 170
Total Reputation: 100 dwarfhold rep.
Equipment Won: none
This is an ovious reference to Sonic the Hegdehog because Sonic searhes for gems called the Chaos Emeralds in the the first game with six; the others with seven.
Before Vath came to power, the mines were filled with precious Chaos stones known as Gemeralds. These gems allthough small, contained massive amounts of Chaotic energy, This key is going to require 6 Gemeralds in order to opn the door. I think the Chaotic Draconians are usiong them to enhance their own magical potential. Find the Chaotic Draconians, and you will find the Gemeralds.