Dumpster Diving

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Location info
Level Required: 18
Location: Junkyard
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: The monsters are random shapes like shoes
Monster List: Tsukumo-Gami
NPCs: Princess Ai No Miko
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: Tsukumo-Gami Tribute
Total Experience: None
Total Gold: None
Total Reputation: None
Equipment Won: None
The shrine is at the end of the area keep going where the arrows point at and you will find it. As soon as you get to it you will have completed the quest so it is not hard at all thats maybe why there arent any rewards.
The Tsukumo-Gami have never caused much trouble--until now. The Chaos Shogun mush have put a spell on these Yokai, making them even more enraged about being tossed out in the first place. Rummage through these lands and pay tribute to the Tsukumo-Gami Shrine. Return to me once you have done so.