Canine Canines

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Location info
Level Required: 1
Location: Safiria's Castle, Greenguard Forest
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation:
Monster List: Wolf
NPCs: Brysin
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: 8 Canine's Canine
Total Experience: 100
Total Gold: 100
Total Reputation: 100 Vampire Reputation
Equipment Won: None
Ze only way to stop ze werewolves is to stop zem at the source. Ze gray wolves in Greenguard, zhey are not a big threat, but still... zhey are part wolf and must be exterminated. You never know when zhey will turn into werewolves... so stop zhem before zhey can do ze transform! Bring to me 8 canine teeth from ze gray Wolves so zat I knows ze deed is done.