Tyndarius (Monster)

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This is the monster type of Tyndarius, for the NPC, click here, for other versions of the monster, click here or here.
Tyndarius (Monster)
Level: 10
HP: 78,560
MP: 100
Difficulty: 5 (stars)
Exp: Depends on level
Class Points: Depends on rank.
Gold: Depends on level.
Inventory and Quest Item Drops
Inventory Items:
Quest Items:
Location: Firestorm Forge
  • This version of Tyndarius is similar to the first time Drakath is fought. Simply attack Tyndarius and lose to him to complete the quest. He is actually not meant to be defeated for now.
Tyndarius (Monster)
Level: 50
HP: 7,707
MP: 100
Difficulty: 4 (stars)
Exp: Depends on level
Class Points: Depends on rank.
Gold: Depends on level.
Inventory and Quest Item Drops
Inventory Items:
Quest Items:
Location: Firestorm Forge