Thin the Ranks

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Location info
Level Required: Any
Location: Skullcrusher
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: Fixed
Monster List: Skeleton
NPCs: Jonathan Coulton
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: x10 Defeated Skeletal Minion
Total Experience: 350 XP
Total Gold: 350 Gold
Total Reputation: None
Equipment Won: None

  • Must complete Like a Literal Pack of Wolves to begin.
  • At completion: Hmm... I never really though of it before.. but how exactly does one kill an Undead? Wouldn't a dead undead be alive? I dunno. Here's some gold and exp while I figure that out...
Quest Complete
Since a pack of wolves didn't faze you... you just might have what it takes to take-out the DoomPaladin after all. But you'll have to this his undead army first if you hope to get that far in the quest chain. Ha! So come back to me when you have defeated 10 Skeletal Minions.