Glittering Secrets of Old

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Location info
Level Required: 1
Location: Earth Storm
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Generation: -
Monster List: Crystalized Jellyfish, Diamond Golem
NPCs: Dr' Rader
Required to Complete Quest
Turn In: Water Shell Matrix Decoder x8, Diamond CrystalCutter x8, Water Secrets unlocked x8 (Click on arrows in the Water Cave)
Total Experience: 1100 Exp
Total Gold: 1100 Gold
Total Reputation: 1100 Rep : Etherstorm
Equipment Won: Secrets of Water
This quest can only be done once.
When water and earth went to war, the secrets of water were stolen. The water acolytes faithfully retrieved them and hid them away in the matrix of Crystallized Water. I need to you to destroy Crystalized Jellyfish and Diamond Golems. Collect 8 Water Shell Matrix Decoders, 8 Diamond CrystalCutters and the Water Secrets.